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How to Achieve 20% ROI this Year

With the recession on the way, savers suffering from ultra low interest rates, of less than 1% p.a, and fund managers all following a passive index strategy ("Because their sheep and sheep get slaughtered" - Gordon Gecko 'Wall Street'), maybe partnering with a professional trader could be a way of gaining an edge in the financial, commodity and alternative markets without having to watch your screen all day?

Return on Investment (ROI) Tips

NB* Only qualified investors have this option available.

The Benefits for the Shareholder:

On the proprietary trading floor senior traders and investors often back Traders and take a share in the profits. The reason for this is that the investor is putting their money to work on an active basis without having to follow the ebb and flow of the market. They don't need to know about trading Government Bonds, Indices, Commodities. They don't need to know about Futures & Options, Butterfly spreads, Outright trades or the influence of the daily economic announcements. They do not need to be in front of their screens from 08:00 – 21:00 hours from Monday and Friday then carrying out research on the Weekend. They do not need to come up with fundamental or technical analysis strategies in which to profit from the Financial, Commodity or Alternative market action. Neither do they need to stress hour by hour as the price fluctuates between profit or loss. All this work and expertise is carried out by the Company.

However, the risk element on an investment with FHI is similar to what traders would term a “Long Call” option. In terms of risk, the purchase of shares is the maximum amount of risk that the Shareholder is carrying, however unlike a Bond the returns to the shareholder are not capped but unlimited.

The Benefit to Trading Firm

The Firm benefits because they have adequate capital to perform it's business model. They allocate capital to a trading account. By having adequate capital they can reduce their risk by not having frequent exposure to the market and therefore taking on too much risk in order to grow their account.

At the same time the percentage and nominal returns make it justifiable for both parties.

Example I Under Capitalised

Account size of £10,000

Return on Month £500 Annual Return £6,000

Percentage Return 5% Annual percentage 60%

Example II

Backed Account Partially Capitalised

Account size £100,000

Return on Month £5,000 Annual Return £60,000

Percentage Return 5% Annual Percentage 60%

As you can see in example one, while the return is very good compared to other investments, the nominal return would not cover desk fees and operating costs let alone dividend income. Therefore it's not so much that the trading is not effective but because it's under capitalised.

Example two, is exactly the same return as the first but the nominal amount, this time £5,000, is more meaningful.

When trading the financial markets these types of returns can often be achieved on a WEEKLY basis.

The reason for these returns can be narrowed down to two main points.

First, because the r ratio or the return ratio is not measured per annum but per day.

Secondly, the trading size is very small relative to the order flow on the financial exchanges. Therefore the trader’s size will not be moving against their position when trading.

Providing that the trader implements a level of risk management per trade gains can be made consistently over time. Likewise provided that the trader doesn’t try and “Swing for the Fences” and seek 60% in a day the returns will accumulate relatively smoothly.

Another factor is that trading should commence in the real market and not through some retail broker. The reason is that Retail Brokers are not a true reflection of the market and often do not provide best execution of trades, which means that trades will suffer slippage over time and large commission on the Bid/Offer spread. Retail Brokers trade and hedge positions within their clients accounts known as "Cross trades" if the trades do not cancel each other out then they hedge in the real market.

As momentum continues the trader can scale up his/her trading size and therefore double up on the profits.

To reduce risk profits are crystallised on a regular basis weekly or monthly even. There becomes a point when the number and amount of withdrawals exceed the initial capital traded at that point both shareholder and trader are now in a risk free zone.

That zone is when net profits, profits after commissions and desk fees, exceed the initial capital deployed.

However, for the business to be not only sustainable but also lucrative the returns will continue to generate way beyond the starting capital.

Extreme Trading with a Small Account size:

How to Get 20% Return on Investment

Risk Management as an Investor:

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of risk then click on the image below otherwise read on:

how to get 20 return on investment ideas

An investor needs to consider the following:

  • Attitude to Risk

  • Time Horizon

  • Affordability

When you put a coin in a slot machine and pull the handle, if three cherries do not show up in a row, it’s unlikely you will be falling on the floor in tears. When people play the lottery week after week, year after year yet never win it, they do not jump off a Bridge when the numbers are announced and their numbers did not come up.

how to get 20 return on investment tips

Why? Because the marginal utility of the money you put at risk was substantially lower than the expected return. It was a loss that you could sustain. It did not impact your welfare. That is why only qualifying investors can be considered as shareholders with our company.

The way forward:

While Investment banks have moved away from proprietary trading and switched to algorithmic trading along with larger hedge funds, there are still many proprietary traders in the City, formerly known as "Locals" traders that trade their own account. These guy and girls are making good money under the radar of all the hype Retail Traders have to face.

In these uncertain times, the effectiveness of algorithms have come into question as the markets are trading more on sentiment of traditional fundamental and technical analysis. This in turn creates further opportunities for us old school "Locals".

Currently the Banks are offering savers woeful rates on their capital. Staying put means inflation erodes your savings by 5% every 3 years. When the markets crash not everyone has the same amount of time to wait for the next Bull run to recover.

how to get 20 return on investment strategy

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